On January 1, 2021, the United Kingdom ceased to be a member state of the European Union and, although the production rules remain the same, what changes is the export / import system.
From January 1, the marketing of products to Great Britain is considered an export (outside the EU) and British who buy product must go through the processing as product importers.
The trade in organic products is also part of this agreement and there is a reciprocal recognition of equivalence of the current organic legislation and control system of the EU and the United Kingdom, which is established as follows:
- Unprocessed agricultural or aquaculture products produced in the UK or the EU, respectively.
- Agricultural products processed for use as food or feed that have been processed in the UK or EU, respectively, with ingredients that have been grown in the UK or EU that have been imported into the UK or EU in accordance with the UK or EU laws and regulations.
Organic products that comply with EU legislation and are certified by EU recognized control bodies will be accepted on the UK market and vice versa.
In terms of labeling, organic products may bear the EU organic logo, any UK organic logo (pending adoption) or both. Of course, as long as they meet the labeling requirements of both logos.
In view of the new EU rules (Regulation 2018/848) for organic products that apply from 01.01.2022, the equivalence will be re-evaluated at the end of 2023.
How does it affect the certification issued by the CAECV?
– If you BUY product from the United Kingdom, you must be certified as an IMPORTER OF PRODUCT FROM THIRD COUNTRIES.
- If you already have it, as of 01.01.2021 you must process the IOC as you have been doing when you import from any other country outside the EU.
- If you do not have this certified scope, you must request the certification as an IMPORTER OF THIRD COUNTRIES. You must go to the web: https://www.caecv.com/empresas-yo-importadores-de-paises-terceros-2/ and download the forms that you must send to certificacion@caecv.com.
– If you SELL product to the UK, each sale must be accompanied by an export certificate.
This document will be mandatory as of 07.01.2021 and work is being done so that the certificate is made through an electronic platform, we will be attentive to any news to inform you.
More information:
If you have any questions you can contact us – 660 882 731.