The CAECV dismantles the myth that consuming organic food is more expensive

The Organic Agriculture Committee of the Valencian Community (CAECV), the entity in charge of the control, certification, representation and defense of organic products, in addition to research and promotion of these, has published a series of microvideos that aim to dismantle the myth that consuming organic foods is more expensive than buying conventional products.

To argue this idea, the CAECV, through these microvideos, will analyze topics such as production costs, health, the environment or the social contributions that organic production has. Specifically, the non-use of chemical pesticides or synthetic fertilizers, food sovereignty, the establishment of the population in rural areas, the non-pollution of aquifers, respect for the environment and the benefits it has for the health of people will be explored in depth. people the consumption of ecological products, among many other aspects.

The final objective is to reach the conclusion that buying and consuming organic food, in the long term, represents a lower cost for society, since less money is invested in taking care of people’s health, there is a saving of water, we preserve, care for and protect the environment and promote rural development. The chosen motto is ‘Eating organic is not more expensive. Consume organic, it’s cheaper.

Increase in the cost of the shopping cart

In recent months, news about the increase in the cost of household shopping baskets has been current.

Different reports have stated “the great extra cost that choosing more sustainable and ecological products entails for Spanish families”, a statement that is far from reality as it does not take into account basic aspects such as that the conventional product is too cheap and does not cover the production costs of the farmer.

Furthermore, from an economic point of view, it has been shown that the inflation of organic products has significantly lower peaks than conventional ones, so the former help to curb the increase in food prices.

Three microvideos to learn about the organic production system

The first of the microvideos presented today focuses on the production costs of organic products, analyzing aspects such as labor, the size of the farms or the additional expenses generated by contamination by pesticides and nitrogen fertilizers of the conventional agriculture.

During the coming months, the CAECV will make public two more videos where it will delve into other aspects such as health, the environment or the social values ​​that surround the production system of organic farming, trying to clear up doubts about some issues such as why industrial production manages to establish such low prices, the environmental impact of producing on a large scale, how what we consume influences our environment and how we can contribute to responsible consumption.

On many occasions, society opts for cheaper options without considering the negative consequences that this can have for both our health and the environment. These impacts must be paid for by citizens out of their own pockets through taxes, health insurance or, for example, subsidies to the agricultural and livestock sector, with the consequent economic cost for the taxpayer.

Organic production methods and consumption can save countries billions of euros in environmental and climate costs. The European Union aims for 25% of arable land to be organic by 2030. If this goal is achieved, up to €4 billion could be saved in environmental and climate costs caused by nitrogen and greenhouse gas emissions.

This action has the support of Caixa Popular and the Department of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries and aims to encourage, promote, promote and make known how organic food is produced.